Friday, May 21, 2010

Echo and Narcissus in Progress

This is another in progress shot.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Narcissus and Echo (In Progress)

This is an in progress picture of my third portfolio piece.  It is a reinvention of the myth Narcissus and Echo.  Narcissus here is portrayed as the self absorbed husband, while Echo, the spurned wife, looks on in a mix of frustration and adoration.


This is my second portfolio piece.  It shows Dido as she burns on her funeral Pyre.  After Aeneas leaves Karthage, she, overcome by grief, ends her life on a pyre built from his possessions and their marriage bed.

Daphne and Apollo

This is the first image in my college portfolio.  I originally painted this over the summer at the MICA pre-college program.  I reworked it, and this is the final result.  This painting is the basis for the rest of my college portfolio.  I am working on reinventing classical narratives in a modern sense.  This image reinvents the story of Daphne and Apollo, where i am portraying Peneus, Daphne's father.  I am driving the car that Daphne throws herself in front of in an attempt to escape from the pursuing Apollo.

Watercolor Workshop

I participated in a weekend watercolor workshop. It was my first time experimenting in medium.

Click here to view slideshow.