Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Group Installation: Team Order/Chaos

             Chaos is everywhere. We are constantly trying to organize and categorize, but sometimes we must succumb to this natural order.
As soon as our group saw “Wave” by Heidi Trepanier, we immediately knew we would base our installation off of this piece. Trepanier makes chaos relate and conform when splatters of paint are shaped and controlled by the tip of a Sharpie pen. “Wave” ebbs and flows as if it where a part of the chaotic sea. The detail and control of this oceanic symbol is made by the random pressure of a ketchup bottle- not the thin hairs of a paintbrush. It is this dramatically compulsive artistic design that first attracted us to the idea of an installation based off of Trepanier’s chaos.
"Wave," Heidi Trepanier

Instead of Trepanier’s cool palate, we chose a warm palate with colors that relate heat, dirt and blood. We were inspired by the visceral appearance of the paint which then led us to a theme of birth. We are all born from the chaos of the womb into the chaos of the world. In this world, we are forced to succumb to the quiet order of society which we have represented with our white sheets. Regardless of the somewhat violent and gross way in which babies are brought into the world, they are seen as a piece of innocent perfection. It is because of this that we painted our babies entirely white, and hung them quietly in the white sheets. We are able to ignore the chaos of birth because of its beautiful result. We all try to ignore and silence chaos, yet why does ignoring it come so naturally at this stage in life?
Dramatic compulsion is somewhat expected when you combine the artists within our group. Tucker is a experienced realist. Breezy loves transforming simple elements of life with her photographs. Elliot tells stories with multimedia. Story creates abstract heads with watercolors and doodles. Taylor seeks to capture her emotional life in the pieces she makes. We all came together for this instillation, and that itself is a gift of chaos.  

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